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We are a global family of churches and ministries pursuing revival


Who we are

Harvest Alliance is a global family birthed in revival from the outpouring of the Holy Spirit

that has been sweeping the nations.


We are a ‘Word and Spirit’ relational and apostolic family of local churches and ministries from many nations and part of the worldwide Body of Christ in all its beauty and form.

Man smiling at conference
Flags being waved during worship

Our Vision

To proclaim Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit, demonstrating the Father’s love with signs, wonders and miracles.


To strengthen churches and leaders in their work and facilitate church multiplying networks across the nations.

Our Core Values


Father’s love revealed through the Lord Jesus Christ


 Intimacy, presence, and hearing God’s voice


Restoration of the heart and soul


Extending the Kingdom through the equipping, empowering and anointing of the Holy Spirit

Crowd of people worshipping at conference

How we started

As of January 1st, 2020 many of our churches and ministry friends came together as a new expression of our revival movement. This continues to be a relational, apostolic network of churches birthed in revival and carrying the DNA of our ‘FIRE’ values. This is an exciting chapter for our global family, we are inviting all our friends to come and journey with us.

Why three rings?

For starters, the obvious, each ring represents God in His 3 forms; Father, Son and Holy Spirit.


Next we are an alliance, which means we value the importance of being our own entities that are bonded together with a mutual interest in the revival and the harvest. In this image it shows three individual circles of their own accord bonded together in the mutual interest of being one body, crossing paths in multiple places and supporting one another.


We also value family. This idea originated from the image of a three band wedding ring, which consists of the engagement ring, wedding ring and eternity ring. Now, whilst we are not getting married, we are in relationship with one another, supporting each other in our Kingdom family.

Harvest Alliance Logo

Come and get to know us more


These are smaller regional gatherings. One day of worship, ministry, relationship and food!


We meet in the Spring and Autumn for an extended time together over two or three days.

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